Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 10 The Light Switch

Before my surgery I remember my surgeon telling me that most people have a light switch go on at the 10 day mark. Who'da thunk it. He was exactly right! I feel pretty much 100% back to my old self today.
Zero pain, energized, happy.
The only real reminder I have that I had the surgery is when I look in the mirror and that I'm still elastic shut. And the fact that my lip and chin are completely numb on the right side.
I really hope the feeling comes back. There's been no signs of any life other than phantom itches that I can't scratch. I will be very disappointed if the feeling doesn't come back, there's a 20% chance that it won't. It feels pretty much exactly the same as when the dentist freezes you. I feel like my lip is huge.
Positive thoughts. At least it's not the entire lip. I have caught myself drooling on it though, and I've dribbled drinks off of that side.
Another milestone: I slept in my own bed for the first time last night! I fell asleep almost instantly when my head hit the pillow. I had a hot bean bag wrapped around my neck hoping it'll help with the bruises. I was too afraid that Gypse would hit me in the face in his sleep, so he offered to sleep on the couch. It was a fabulous sleep. I woke up refreshed and my neck is not nearly as stiff. I can probably drive again no problem.
I had one problem though, the lack of water and proper sleep caught up with me not long after I woke up, I started seeing shattered glass/sparkly auras. Good thing I can take my bands off and fit pills in my mouth, here comes a migraine!! Arghh! Curse!!! Hiss!!

In this picture, I highlighted in blue exactly where my numbness is. Much easier to show than to explain. I should also add, that is not me in the picture lol.

1 comment:

  1. Really glad you're starting to feel better buddy! :-)
