Monday, June 10, 2013

Day 1-6

June 10-15

The last 22 months have been leading up to this. The day of my surgery. To align my bite, and to give me a nice profile.

For many years, I've always admired beautiful jaw lines and chins. My surgeon had asked me if I wanted a chin implant, but I said no, I think that would be too much. Plus, I think I've invested enough money in my face lol.

So, Day 1, hours before surgery. I had to be at the hospital by 8am, and hadn't been allowed to eat since midnight. No makeup, freshly showered. Besides being hungry, the drive in to Kelowna was OK. Then my husband dropped me off at the front doors so he could go park. I went in by myself. Went up the elevator by myself. Registered at the surgical registration, and went to sit in the waiting area. I could feel the tears burning up in my eyes. But I'm not going to cry. Watching the elevator doors. I will not cry. You are not a cryer girlfriend.
Cell phone vibrates. It's dad.
"Paige I will be thinking about you. Everything will go just fine"

*looks over at elevator* It opens and out steps Gypse. And here comes the water works! So much for being strong.
Moments later the nurses call me to get interviewed and change into hospital duds etc. Then back to the waiting room, waiting for my surgeon. At this point I'm hoping for a cancellation. But no such luck. Finally, an hour later, I'm called into the operating room.
It's a huge blur from there. I cried the entire walk to the room, the nurses tried to console me, but not too much. I walked in the HUGE silver room, looked alien. There were 5 or 6 people dressed in blue. Including my surgeon and the anesthesiologist. I felt so strange and afraid. I laid down like they asked. Began to hyperventilate. Breathing HARD and fast. I could barely answer their questions. What if I don't wake up? What if I can't handle the consequences of all this? The anesthesia guy begins poking and prodding. I'm shaking like I leaf looking for exits in the room. Would have bolted right then and there if they hadn't hooked me up to the dizzy stuff. Told them "I'm freaking terrified" and don't remember anything else.

Only waking up in recovery.

It was SO bright. I couldn't open my eyes. I could feel the ice packs on the side of my face and it felt like absolute torture. I can't explain how waking up felt, it was a weird kind of pain. I checked the clock thinking what the hell, I should still be in surgery?? I was only in 45mins instead of the 90mins that I was told it would take. The nurses kept asking me about my pain level. Out of 10? I said 7 or 8, but it was more. I just didn't want to look like a baby. I heard her say to give me enough for the ride back to my room. Then off I went. Being wheeled off. Feeling like a fool in front of the good looking man nurses. Feeling lonely and confused and scared. Where was my husband? We got to my room, and transferred me to my new bed. It is all a blur. I passed out. I don't know for how long. According to Gypse I had already been in my room almost an hour when he finally found me. I only remember opening my eyes and seeing him running in, worry written all over his face. Passed out again. I woke up a few times to text people and type things to Gypse. But really, it was a huge blur. I enjoyed receiving my morphine. Brought a euphoric and comfortable sleepy feeling. I needed it. I remember waking up sometimes, hearing Gypse and someone talking about me, seeing their sillouettes in my squinting vision. But I'd just pass out immediately.

Night time came. Gypse was tired. He sat there all day while I slept. Just watching me. I told him to go. Go eat. Go sleep. He was off to spend the night at my sisters. And then I was alone. I am thankful for the young night nurses though. They are much more caring and understanding than the tough veterans. She cared about getting me my pain meds. Even though I felt stupid asking for it. What a long night, up every 2-3 hrs. Thinking. Playing Candy Crush. Checking Facebook. I think the morphine was doing a little more than easing my pain!

Morning came. Gypse was there by 7am, just so he wouldn't miss my surgeon. Which he almost did anyway! Dr. Naito said it couldn't have gone better and that he expected me to heal fast. He seemed happy with everything. I didn't even have any questions. What's done is done I suppose. He asked if I wanted to go home. I said of course. I was out by noon. After 80% coverage on my meds, I still paid $89.00 out of pocket. Prescriptions are crazy expensive!! Yikes!

I tried to sleep on the way home, but I just listened to the lyrics of all the songs that played instead. I was anxious, but extremely nervous to go home. I looked like I was wearing a fat suit, so it was tough. I have self esteem issues as it is. I was SWOLLEN.

We pulled in the driveway and of course my youngest little girl was EXTATIC that I was home. She wanted hugs, kisses, the whole nine yards. I was just nervous of being touched at all.
I felt a little hyper, but I cried while explaining the process and how it made me feel, the operation, the recover room. I sat in my living room most of the day. But I was so tired. Gypse moved my recliner into the bedroom, and I went in and crashed hard. Ice packs surrounding my face. Alarms set for medications. iPad and phone nearby.

Basically this is how it's been all week. I went to my sons preschool grad on the 4th day. I was dizzy. Couldn't drive. Almost couldn't stand up on my own. Worried how people were looking at me.

I go outside everyday. Water my flowers and my garden. Even watered the grass. My teenage daughter seemed to have it out for me though. She had me hyperventilating in the bathroom on my 6th day. That's a whole other story.

Here's some pics of how the week progressed:

I look like a freaking bearded lady! So embarrassing! It's like I woke up from a bad hangover or something!! A mean college prank!!

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